Sunday, October 01, 2006


I just finished presenting to a group of approximately 40 to 50 people. Most were from rural areas - including mostly Australia, a few from New Zealand, USA, Papau New Guinea, South Africa, and two other countries in the South Pacific which I have never heard of (or at least couldn't understand the pronunciation of when I polled the audience).

It's interesting how situations in rural Saskatchewan (which is what my presentation is about) are similar to other areas...yet different. Interesting conversations with others from Australia, New Zealand, and USA continued after. I met 2 people from Western Australia and Arizona who are interested in setting up communication with teachers in rural Saskatchewan , and even with students (to compare ways of life, professional development etc.)

The opening remarks this morning included a video-conference with a diver out on the Great Barrier Reef. The audience in the theatre talked to and watched a diver as she swam near sharks and other marine life. She took some time to point out some of the fish at the bottom of the reef. Quite cool! What if a classroom could connect with someone like this?

This conference is about the use of technology in education. But it's better than that since it seems like it is more about the teaching practice - and improving it, which technology is supposed to do. Lots about Web 2.0 (which is the evolution of the web becoming more interactive...such as blogs, wikis, etc.), virtual communities, the Digital Divide and information age learners, one-to-one computing, and the development of professional development for teachers to name a few. Lots of cool stuff that I can tell you all about later if you are interested.

Here are 2 photos of the Cairns Convention Centre.

PS - note my clothes in the top photo - not quite as "dressy" as I should have been - my fancy clothes are still in my suitcase on their way here (hopefully)...made for a good story anyway. Plus, the Aussies are pretty casual. Gotta go...just enjoying the "afternoon tea"

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At 12:26 AM, Blogger KHar said...

Hi Cam. Nope, not yet. The "meetings" are done Wednesday. Then it takes 2 days to get home, but instead of coming home right away, we are going to visit the Great Barrier Reef - where Nemo, Dory, Crush, and Squirt live. We have underwater cameras for taking pictures as we snorkel around. We are also going to visit Ayers Rock (in the middle of Australia) and a few other places. We will be home Monday night. It's Thanksgiving on Monday - you won't have school. Maybe Gramma will cook a turkey!


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